SPECIAL OFFERS…too good to be true????

Groupon Offer  ” XYZ Wedding Photography for £400″,  Groupon commission 40% £160+vat= £192  XYZ photography get £208, of which XYZ have to pay a photographer to shoot the wedding and  XYZ may also have to process/edit and deliver the end product AND make a profit.  XYZ can book more than one wedding per day, but the problem arises when all the regular photographers are already booked.

This model idea was available many years ago under the name National Weddings and later Kodak Weddings, where you met your personal photographer on your actual wedding day.  There were quite a few unhappy brides. I believe both National Weddings and Kodak Weddings are no longer trading.

i phone

‎2010 It all began with an iPhone… March was when our son celebrated his 17th birthday, and we got him an iPhone. He just loved it. Who wouldn’t? I celebrated my birthday in July, and my wife made me very happy when she bought me an iPad. Our daughter’s birthday was in August so we got her an iPod Touch. … My wife celebrated her birthday in September so I got her an iRon. It was around then that the fight started.. What my wife failed to recognize is that the iRon can be integrated into the home network with the iWash, iCook and iClean. This inevitably activates the iNag reminder service. I should be out of the hospital next week!! iHurt


The next meeting for Wirral Professional Wedding Services is Tuesday 24th July, 6pm, an evening of FUN and GAMES to be held at The Grosvenor Casino, New Brighton. Rachel Guy-jones will be presenting “How to exhibit at a Bridal Fayre” followed by usual open discussion and then an introduction to Roulette, Blackjack and Poker with fun money. It wil be a superb evening, we are expecting a big turnout, really do need to get an idea of numbers for this one. August meeting is planned for Wirrals only 5 star hotel, Hillbark date to be arranged. Looking forward to meeting new people, especially those of you who keep posting on the site and not turning up at any meetings……see you on the 24th 🙂 Phil & Jayne x


WPWS June Meeting

another excellent meeting, over 20 members attended, many thanks to Amanda at Contessa Leverhulme for allowing us to host at this magnificent venue. special thanks to all who attended and to Denis from Blackstrip and his comments about branding, marketing and in particular, business cards 🙂 I hope you all gained something from him, I certainly did, watch this space for the Prestige re-vamped business cards !!
Looking ahead, the July meeting will probably be held at Thornton Hall towards the end of July when the theme will be setting up for Bridal Fayres, date, time & venue to be confirmed. August meeting is provisionally set for Hillbark with probably a facebook theme, again to be confirmed. As I said last night, if there is anyting at all you want to discuss at our meet, dont hesitate to contact myself or Jayne Bransby.
Watch this space….. Phil Ritchie 🙂